out-of-the-box application integration

Adapters for io.Connect

Integrate your existing (or future) apps with adapters designed to simplify and accelerate development and leverage server-side and client-side APIs. Multiple language bindings are offered — allowing developers to easily integrate non-web apps.

Build workflows with less work

io.Connect adapters help technologists create communication between apps faster.

Language Adapters

Accelerate development and leverage io.Connect capabilities using your preferred programming language. Add support for new languages as required.

FDC3 Adapter

Leverage the power of the industry’s own universal interoperability standard that allows out-of-the-box communication between all FDC3-enabled applications.

Native app support

Seamlessly incorporate native apps into your smart desktop workflows. Because the majority of our client’s apps are native, we’re committed to making the apps they use every day equal participants on the desktop.
Learn more about our native support

Pre-built adapters save time and resources
Bloomberg icon

Synchronize context with Bloomberg Terminal and access (licensed) market data feeds. Create seamless workflows with Bloomberg services across third-party systems including OMS, CRM, and in-house applications.

Fidessa icon

Maximize your Fidessa investment by synchronizing instrument, counterparty, tracking groups with other trading applications and services. Discover how you can benefit from a Fidessa integration with Interop Industries.

Excel icon

io.Connect is bundled with the most advanced Excel connectivity available in the market today. It supports bi-directional data transfer and management of large datasets.

Outlook icon

Seamlessly integrate email into user workflows using sender, recipient, subject line to optionally launch desired workspaces.

Salesforce icon

Manage interactions between io.Connect-enabled customer support systems and CRM.

Abel Noser icon
Abel Noser

Help deliver best-execution, seamlessly access critical pre-trade data from within your trading workspaces.

Teams icon

Create seamless workflows between Teams and your front office OMS and automate order entry, RFQs, trade entry, stock search, and more.

Iress icon

Supercharge your Iress platform by accelerating trading workflows and enabling single-click data synchronization between Iress and other apps.

Virtu Financial icon
Virtu Financial

Turn your sales traders into execution consultants through the rapid integration of Virtu’s pre-trade analytics with your OMS/EMS and get one-click pre-trade analytics for a given order or stock.

BMLL icon

Boost your OMS/EMS workflows through the integration of BMLL’s Level 3 predictive analytics and empower your traders to make better execution decisions by knowing how, where, and when to trade.


Enable full voice trading capabilities by integrating Cloud9 with your front-office OMS workflows and automate order entry, RFQs, trade entry, client search, and more…